Jackie Desengano

Kinesiologist & Womb Hara Massage Therapist

Jackie is dedicated to being of heart centred service to others and assisting them on their own personal health and healing journeys.

Jackie started her practitioner journey with kinesiology in 2011. She is a qualified kinesiologist and is passionate about assisting an individual’s innate healing capabilities to release and bring about positive and improved changes.

Jackie’s personal fertility journey led her to becoming an Integrative Womb Hara Massage therapist, a practice she is truly passionate about. She loves assisting women to release blockages, create deeper connections to one’s womb space, as well as restore and awaken one’s creative birthing potential and life force energy.

Jackie’s approach is one of warmth, compassion, intuition, support, and sensitivity. She incorporates a range of modalities to meet your individual needs.
